2024 Update: My friends and I went on a girls trip to Jamaica last year (so fun!) and all the tips in this post were still helpful. Scroll the carousel below for a couple updates, and for a deeper dive, check out my book on Amazon “How to Plan a Girls Trip” in print & e-book!

four friends laughing at the beach

When I was in college, it was the first time I had ever lived so close to all of my girlfriends, and we hung out ALL THE TIME.

We had classes together, stayed in the same dorms, went to dinners, different school events, parties, pep rallies — you name it, we probably did it, together.

As life would have it, after graduation we all journeyed into adulthood and moved away from one another. That meant we could no longer just send a text last minute and ask to hang out anymore.

And then it happened. The global COVID-19 pandemic.  

Covid 19 planet image

And for the first time in a long time, we all had time. Thus, birthing our first-ever girls trip!

We didn’t go anywhere fancy because, duh, global pandemic. But we were all together, in a safe environment, spending some much-needed quality time and it was epic!

I loved the whole planning process of our trip because I am a super detail-oriented and organized type of individual.

However, I recognize that it can be one big overwhelming, and intimidating task and I am here to say,

girl…you got this!  

You WILL plan AND host a girls trip that will bring you and your friends closer than ever before.

Check out these 10 easy and practical steps to planning a girls trip.

woman writing in notebook

1| Brainstorm and organize ideas 

Think about the intent for your girls trip, what you all enjoy doing together, and some of your favorite memories.

Consider how you will communicate the planning details with your group of friends.

Think about what methods, websites, and apps you like to use for research purposes and what you think will be the most effective way to organize and review your results. 

It might seem silly to think about how you’re going to plan, but it’s like getting your pencils sharpened and your notes together before a big test.

2| Determine if you need a co-host

Depending on the number of friends going on the trip, you might need some additional assistance to help you with the planning process.

There are many benefits to having a co-host, but the most obvious ones are that you share the load of responsibilities and that you get another person’s perspective, knowledge, and experience.

3| Figure out who is on the guest list

Make that list and check it not once…not twice…but maybe like three times! The wrong mix of people can make your girls trip go left, real quick.

Awareness is key here, and you know your friends.

Reflect on your previously shared experiences together, and everyone’s current life stage when creating your guest list.

4| Find the perfect date…that works for the majority

This is often the most challenging part of the planning phase because everyone has unique schedules and life circumstances.

You have to consider their work or school schedules, if they have kids or pets, if they have volunteer obligations or church commitments, etc. 

Get an idea of when the majority of your friends could be available and come back with a few dates for everyone to vote on.

Have the ladies block off their calendars once the date is selected.

5| Select the location  

Once you know who is going and when you’re going, it’s time to determine where you’re going.

This is the fun part, because who doesn’t daydream about the perfect getaway?

Here are a few things to consider as you do your brainstorming:

Activities. What you and your friends are interested in doing on your girls trip will affect the destination.

Events. Think about if there is a particular event you ladies would like to attend (like a festival or a conference) and where it’s being held. The location would make the most sense to be within a reasonable distance of the festivities.


Environment. Are you and your friends looking to live your sex and the city fantasy, or do y’all want to be cozy somewhere in the mountains enjoying peace and quiet?

6| Choose an amazing accommodation

It’s important to pick an accommodation that makes you and your friends feel comfortable and safe when you rest your heads at night.

Knowing what your friend group’s expectations are will help you pick the right one.

Some things to think about are the number of rooms, the type of amenities offered, and what would give you the most bang for your buck!  

You’re not going to be able to meet everybody’s WANTS, but you can certainly make a genuine effort to meet the common needs.


7| Have money talks, early

You should be talking with your friends about the budget for the trip UPFRONT to alleviate so many potential issues.

One of the biggest points to convey to your friends is how one person’s actions can affect another person financially.

Like if someone agreed to pay their part of the trip and then backs out, it can increase everyone else’s trip expenses.

Once you get that out the way, you should contemplate the type of costs you and your girls might incur, and come up with a budget.

Money talks can be uncomfortable, so make sure that when you do have these conversations, you do so with respect and transparency.

8| Plan for activities

When you go on a girls trip for the sake of bonding and spending time together, you will want to participate in activities that will enrich those experiences, but also be really fun!

Activities inside your accommodation can be cost-effective, convenient, and intimate.

Check out a few examples below:

  • Play store-bought games (like Taboo)

  • Engage in a friendly competition (like a Minute-to-Win-It challenge)

  • Create a DIY Photoshoot

Activities outside of your accommodation can be exciting and provide a great change of pace.

Check out a few examples below:

  • Visiting a local zoo

  • Doing an Escape Room

  • Taking a dance class

9| Food, alcohol, and transportation

Food, alcohol, and transportation are often overlooked with planning a girls trip because people feel like it’s petty and not worth a discussion.

But it’s definitely worth a discussion, so let’s talk.


People love to eat! But people love to eat what they like, what they can stomach, and what they can afford. Talk with your friends about their dietary restrictions, preferred dining out experiences, and if they’d also like to cook.  


Drinking alcohol is worth a serious conversation to ensure your friend group is on the same page regarding safety, preferences, and comfort levels.

Here are a few questions to ask your friends as it relates to drinking alcohol:

  • Who will be the designated driver?

  • What is the plan if someone gets ridiculous in their behavior or ridiculously sick?

  • What are everyone’s boundaries when it comes to consuming alcohol?


You and your friends need to discuss how you all plan to get around during your trip. Nobody wants to be late, or worse, miss an event because it wasn’t discussed how you all would get there.

10| Help your friends prepare

As the host, you will have all the details, and sharing them with your friends in an organized manner can aid in smooth sailing during the trip.

A couple of things you can do is create a packing list so that they don’t forget the essentials, or create an itinerary that provides an overview of the flow of events for the trip.

packing travel items

Why You Should Plan a Girls Trip

Today, many women are opting to take solo trips, and it’s often because they don’t enjoy the chaos of trying to get their friends together.

And I get it. I’ve done it.

But in my personal experience, I’ve enjoyed going on a trip with friends so much more.

Having someone you love there with you to talk to and connect with, laugh with, and have new experiences with, beats going to dinners alone.

You strengthen your relationships when you’re intentional about spending time together, and form a bond of sisterhood that is undeniable.

While it may take a little more effort to bring you and your friends together, even if it’s just once a year, it’s worth every minute to plan a trip that will create everlasting memories!

Once you plan your girls trip with some organization and intentionality, you’ll fall in love with the process…or at least appreciate it.

Which of these steps is a “must” for your girls trip? Let me know in the comments below.

how to plan a girls trip book

I hope you find these tips incredibly useful!

If you’re interested in getting to the nitty-gritty of planning a girls trip for you and your friends, my book How to Plan a Girls Trip: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning and Hosting the Best Experience for Intentional Friendships is available on Amazon in ebook and print.

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